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What are some cases of trouble with the visa to Dubai? -

What are some cases of trouble with the visa to Dubai?

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Availing a visa for Dubai might not be very easy. Dubai has become a center of attraction for the tourists off lately. Thus, with the increase in the number of travelers to Dubai, the laws for the visa to Dubai have also been stricken. Any violation to the laws for the visa permit is considered as a punishable offence. The violator would have to face a hard time in the prison of Dubai. Now here are some cases in which there can be some kind of delay in availing Dubai visa.
Visa to Dubai
1. A single girl under the age of 24
If a girl of 24 years or below is travelling alone to Dubai, then her visa to Dubai might be delayed. There is a risk of human trafficking so for the security assurance of the girl the visa might not get approved.
2. Applicant with unskilled profession
If the applicant is likely to be of an unskilled profession like a farmer or any other profession, they there are chances that their Dubai visa is not approved.
3. Applicant with criminal record
Any kind of criminal records in the past of the applicant would lead in the rejection of the visa for Dubai.
4. An unused tourist visa to Dubai wasted
If the applicant has not used a prior tourist visa to Dubai, then his or her new visa for Dubai might get delayed in approval. They would have to get the prior visa cancelled by the concerned agency in order to apply for a new one.
5. An unused employment visa with a tourist visa
If the applicant has applied for a tourist visa but already has an employment visa which is unused, then it is more likely that his or her application would not be approved. They are required cancel the prior visa for availing a new one.

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